Friday, November 6, 2009

Alternative medicine

Advocates of alternative medicine, specifically homeopathy, agree that it has been misrepresented in mass media. They quote The Lancet, which says, "Alternative medicine can be positively deadly." After which they respond with their own facts and figures. "The Lancet ignores conventional medicine’s own highly questionable safety record. In 2006, at least 2.8 million people were harmed by conventional medicine." They do this in order to show the reader that conventional medicine isn't as safe as it claims to be.

Slanders of alternative medicine claim that homeopathy can be deadly. They are hypocrites. In 2008 at least 2.8 million people were harmed by conventional medicine. That is more deadly than alternative medicine has ever been.


  1. I can't say that I know a whole lot about this specific topic, but it sounds interesting. Have fun writing your paper.

  2. This sounds really interesting. One thing to take into consideration would be the fact that a lot more people take conventional medicine vs. alternative medicine so numbers like 2.8 million are kind of misrepresentative. A percentage would be much more convincing.
